Low Methoxyl (Apple) Pectin
Qualities of Low Methoxyl (LM) Pectin

Advantages of Low Methoxyl (LM) Pectin

A unique feature of pectin is that it has best stability in the natural pH of fruit preserves when compared to other hydrocolloidal systems. Additionally, it not only provides an optimal physical texture & organoleptic properties but also imparts an excellent release of flavor due to its small molecular weight.

Other benefits of LM pectin

Pectin, cellulose, guar gum & locust bean gum are defined as dietary fibers & used in nutraceuticals exhibiting health benefits like :

  • Lowering blood sugar/blood pressure
  • Lowering LDL cholesterol in the blood
  • Relief in constipation & diarrhea
  • Increased gratification for food & thus decreased energy intake.
Sodium Alginate Beverage

Low Methoxyl Pectin

Uses of LM Pectin

Food manufacturing :

Low-methoxyl (LM) pectin is widely used in the food industry as a thickening agent for low-calorie jams & jellies, dessert fillings, sweets as well as thickener & stabilizer in fruit juices, drinking yogurt, milk drinks.

Cosmetic products :

In cosmetics, LM pectin is used to impart structure & body to pastes, ointments, oils, & creams. It can be used in formulations of hair tonics, body lotions, shampoos & conditioners.

Pharmaceutical Industry :

It is used to prevent disorders, such as constipation and diarrhea, mouth & throat sores, diabetes and in colo-rectal cancers.

Qualities of Low Methoxyl (LM) Apple Pectins

LM apple pectin is extracted from apple pomace, standardized with sucrose & it can be used as a gelling, thickening agent, as well as a food stabilizer.  It is used in manufacture of low-calorie jams & jellies because it relies on calcium (instead of sugar) to solidify. It is best suited for dairy-based products in which sugar is not added. LM pectin gets increasingly firmer as calcium is added until it hits a saturation point. At that time, the process reverses & gel becomes less firm.
Use : As gelling agent in systems with soluble solids of < 50% in jams, jellies etc. at usage levels of 0.5 to 1.5%.

Types of LM Pectin for Calcium Rectivity
Nutritional information depends on the standardisation

Energy (per100g): Typically : 550 – 650 kJ
Protein: Typically < 0.5%
Carbohydrates : 15 – 25%
Of  which sugars: 15 – 25%
Fat: < 0.5%
Fibre: Typically 75 – 85%